Friday, September 11, 2009

Playing Catch Up

Piggles and her new cat toy. It's one of those hamsters that have a draw string that, when pulled, makes the hamster vibrate and move. Originally for the kitten, but as always, Piggles L-O-V-E-S it and steals it constantly.

Fred hanging out in the bathroom (my roommate's male kitty). He's pretty content considering he has a stalker . . .
Fred's stalker Tora (my kitty). Wedged between the toilet and the trash can, she's falling asleep while trying to make friends with Fred.

Foxy, my roommate's female kitty. She's awesomely sweet, notice the one gold eye and one blue eye.

On the kitchen table, where she spends most of her days.

The pendant I recently made with a stone I got from Columbus. The pink stone is a natural cobaltite-calcite, and the little beads around it are labradorite and blue topaz.

The feature I am most proud of . . . a totally clean back! No stray wires, just nice clean prongs.